Friday, April 2, 2010

Emission(s) Impossible: It's a start...

Someone somewhat famous said that if you have a crazy project, you should tell as many people as possible about it so that you'll definitely do it to avoid the social shame next time you see them and they mention it. So there: I am making a documentary. I am making a documentary. I am making a documentary.

Although it's about climate change, it WILL NOT be your typical depressing guilt-ridden movie about environmental destruction. It will be fun. It will be relevant to ordinary people.

Until that happens, this blog will document my own trials and tribulations of putting this project together.

So here I start with a video of me practicing my pitch to prospective contributors and investors in the dark at an Earth Hour party. The annoying little buzzing sound is my dynamo powered torch...

There. It's a start. Enjoy.


  1. Malade!!
    À quand le lien pour écouter la chanson sur l'environnement?

  2. Great pitch! Hope this is the first of many posts on this blog. Let's work together to make Emission Impossible possible.

  3. Nice one! Good luck with your great idea!
